Bad Shopping Decisions

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Hello, my name is Carenza Fleur and I am a Impulse Buyer.

It's true. If I see something I like I'll just buy it willy-nilly no matter the consequences.
You may say 'but what could be the consequences of just buying things you like?' well you'll soon see.

This one year I decided to fork out all of my money to buy a new scarf.
It was a beautiful scarf yes, but was it worth £200? Probably not.
The main issue with this purchase was that I forgot it coincided with my sisters 18th birthday. You know, the biggest birthday of her young adult life.
I had £1.50 in my account. I had taken the tags off my scarf. I was done for.

In case you were wondering, I didn't tell her the truth and just get her a nice present when I got paid again. Ohhhhhh noooooo.
I decided the only thing to do would be to find present with this £1.50.

It came to the day of her birthday and she opened her present with eagerness in her eyes.
She ripped open the newspaper packaging to see!

A single episode of Hannah Montanna on DVD.

Turns out nowhere actually sells anything of worth for £1.50. I blame the economy personally.

I think the worst part of this story would probably be that my sister has never actually seen Hannah Montanna so was pretty confused at this gift.
Yeahhhh you and me sister, what kind of an oxfam only stocks 5 DVDs, 3 of which were 50 Shades of Grey????

Actually the worst part would be that I can hardly ever even wear the scarf because she'll know I'm not actually poor so have no excuse to buy her that awful present and am really just a bad sister.


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