My Body Hates Me

It's true.

I am an accident waiting to happen.

You see, my body and I don't really get on...

Firstly, it's a good thing that these are blog posts and not videos as literally every other video would be me with a cold/hay-fever/black-death.

No joke, if anyone I see has a cold, I will always catch it. Even if I just see them from like 2 meters away, I will still catch their cold because, well, I don't actually know.
I think it must just be another thing wrong about me.

Secondly, when I do get ill, it's always as ill as I could possibly get with that illness.

Literally, like I know people get migraines and some more unfortunate people get them quite often.
I started getting mine the year I started my gcses.

Not only that, but my migraines happened EVERYDAY.



Lastly, I always get laughed at for this, but - my tummy makes the weirdest noises.
Like not the usual 'I'm hungry' noise or even the 'please feed me no more' noise.

No. my tummy groans at all moments.

I really don't know why and it's actually horrific because it always happens at the most inopportune moments. For example; when making a speech in front of your whole class; in the middle of a vicious argument or when singing a solo for your music gcse.

Yes. these have all happened to me and yes I do try to pretty much just suppress those memories as much as possible.

It sounds terrible but I really do hope that some of you (any of you) go through something similar, even just slightly. It'd be very reassuring to know there are other people out there who, like me, have "my-body-hates-me-itis".


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