Hello Blogees,

Today I thought I'd talk about how the internet has TAKEN OVER MY LIFE.
I know lots of people say they can't live without their phone, but I'm not like that. If I have my phone with me, great, I'm a bit less likely to get kidnapped (such logic). If not, no worries.

My internet life takeover is that I spend so much time online, I literally think in memes, posts, tweets and statuses.

I'll just be out and about minding my own business when my friend'll say something and the first thing I'll do is make a post out of it in my head. And then estimate how many likes or notes it'll get.
Jeez, I'm such a nerd.
Now obviously this is annoying and all but I suppose it's not that much of a problem?


I then go on to compare how many likes or notes I 'got' in previous imaginary posts and see whether or not it's good enough to be posted. And whether I should have a theme to my posts, a theme to my life, should I change my clothes/makeup to keep this theme, should I make different friends, rethink my whole life??

This goes on and on until insanity takes hold and I go cry in my bathtub.

Fortunately, it doesn't always get that far and I'm usually snapped out of it by a friend or the simple thought that i have neither enough money, nor effort to do any of those things.
I think it's the one time where my chronic laziness actually helps me out in life.

I feel like we should have one of those 'stoptobers' for internet addiction although, we'd probably all give up after a day, (if that).

Luckily, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think you can actually get ill from being on the internet too much so, is it really such a bad thing that we are spending so much of our time enriching our minds with the knowledge of the online world?

Based on whether you believe crazy cat videos are a form of knowledge enrichment...


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