"Little Fears"

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I was in Costa last week (yes I am a basic white girl) listening to music through my headphones when I saw someone staring at me. Obviously I had a full-on freak out thinking my music must not be playing through my headphones but actually out loud.

Fortunately this wasn't the case and I was just overreacting as per, but it had me realise just how terrifying such instances are!

And these, my friends, are called
"Little Fears".

A "Little Fear" is one of those things you're truly afraid of, but always just seem too stupid to class as an actual fear. There are many to be scared of, so you better watch your back.

Another "Little Fear" is something that keeps me up at night.
The fear of a spider crawling into my mouth as I sleep.
The idea of all those hundreds (yes hundreds) of legs crawling down my throat as I try to sleep?
No thanks.

My third and probably biggest "Little Fear", is the idea of passing out/slipping whilst in the shower and someone finding me naked, especially if I haven't gotten round to the leg-shaving part of my shower routine. I'd probably die of embarrassment. Hopefully if that ever did happen, hopefully my slip ended in my death so I'd never experience the intense shame of my own naked body being witnessed.

And on that note...

Don't let anyone tell you not to be afraid. These fears are real and terrifying.



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